December 5, 2024

There are so many physical rehab centers now across the country. They are offering a wide array of physical therapy and rehabilitation. It is now difficult to find a hospital in the states that hasn’t got the latest in physical rehab technology. What they are offering are state-of-the-art cure and recovery for patients with physical challenges due to illnesses, genes and or accidents. Another thriving department in almost all physical rehab facilities is the sports and work related injuries. Because sports is now a multi-billion industry, athletes and aspiring sports aficionados do not only go to these rehab clinics for treatment but maintenance and education as well. Because majority of the people are now aware that some forms of exercises and sports is a part of healthy living, running, jogging, working out in gyms and other forms of exercises are gaining popularity therefore accidents and injuries cannot be avoided.

Nova Care Rehab Center is one of the leading providers of physical and occupational therapy with qualified and talented therapists and staff ready to help and assists patients with physical difficulties. Aside from Physical and Occupational Therapies, Nova Care also offers Orthopedic Rehabilitation, Low Back Program, Aquatic Therapy, Senior Wellness, Neurological Rehabilitation, Vestibular Rehabilitation, Women’s Health Program and Athletic Training Services.

Orthopedic Rehab is treatments and rehabilitation of patients, who had undergone total hip or knee replacement or has sustained trauma to the bone. A team of experts help patients regain their strength mobility and endurance to be able to go home and return to their usual activities.

Probably one of the most common complaints of men and women alike, low back pain can also be a chronic injury. Mostly sustained from bad posture, work related issues and accidents, a complete program that helps in strengthening and correcting postures to relieve patients of low back pains which are sometimes disabling already.

Aquatic Therapy is one of the most commonly used therapies when it comes to the treatment of muscles and bones. Because our body weighs lesser in water, certain muscle groups as well as joints and bones can freely and safely move when immersed in water thereby providing a safe environment for healing and therapy.

People aged 65 years and above have special needs when it comes to muscles and bone care. The Senior Wellness Center specifically caters to those individuals and their unique needs providing education on how to care for their back and joints to prevent accidents and injuries.

Neurological Rehabilitation is a combination of muscles and sensory education, coordination activities and motion and speech therapies particularly to those who suffered stroke or spinal cord injury.

Vestibular Rehabilitation is the rehabilitation of injuries and diseases of the inner ear like vertigo, dizziness, imbalance and other similar disorders. All programs are individualized, focusing on the root cause of the injury or disease which is most of the time different from the others.

Women’s Health Program is specifically designed for her unique needs. Common health issues for women that are included in this program are osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, incontinence and others.

Athletic Training Services cares for athletes, with complete and comprehensive programs that is designed for specific needs of athletes. It includes strength and conditioning, preventive bracing and taping, rehabilitation of injuries, nutritional education and counseling and emergency action planning. They are also in partnership with schools, coaches and trainers to ensure that athletes get the best services and attain their full potentials.